Listing of events tagged with Social
October Social
Join us for chats and laughs. Many of us order food as we arrive. The pie is good.
September Social
Come along for some or all of Thursday night to chat about skeptical and geeky stuff, have a pie, and drink whatever you like. (Within reason.)
August Social
A few of us order a meal in an informal 'as we feel' fashion. The pies are very good.
July Social
Following the success of the June social, we're back in Pie and Ale for more chat, pie, skepticism, and ale.
June Social
We're trying a new venue this month — Pie and Ale. It's ground floor accessible, and they do food (pie).
May Social
Come along and have a beer. After you have voted.
April Social
It's our April social! There will be beer! There will be chat! What more could you ask for?
March Social
Are you social? Are you a skeptic? Then you're in luck!
February Social
They said we couldn't do it, but we have organised a piss-up in Fe-bruary.
January Social
Come to Marble for a chat! After all, it'd be rude to chat during the talks.