Event Listing

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  1. The Art of More: How Mathematics Created Civilisation – Michael Brooks

    Many people experience a tangible fear when facing anything to do with numbers. The root of the problem lies in the fact that no one is ever taught what maths actually is. Once we understand mathematics – the art of more — we can begin to see mathematics as more than just a maze of numbers: we see it as the pinnacle of human achievement.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 14 October 2021 Twitch
  2. The Storm Is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of Everything – Mike Rothschild

    Through interviews with QAnon converts, apostates, and victims, as well as psychologists, sociologists, and academics, Mike Rothschild is uniquely equipped to explain the movement and its followers. In The Storm Is Upon Us, he takes readers from the background conspiracies and cults that fed the Q phenomenon, to the storming of the Capitol, and on.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 30 September 2021 Twitch
  3. The Century of Deception: The Birth of the Hoax in Eighteenth-Century England – Ian Keable

    In the 1700s, the English believed a woman could give birth to rabbits; a man could climb inside a two pint bottle and sing inside it; and a blond-haired European was born in Taiwan. Based on his recently published book, Ian Keable demonstrates how 18th century hoaxes are memorable not only for their imaginative nature but also because of the differing motives of the tricksters.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 16 September 2021 Twitch
  4. When innocent becomes guilty: The psychology of false confessions – Dr Faye Skelton

    It is difficult to imagine admitting to something that you didn’t do, but people do. Aside from those who voluntarily confess, others are vulnerable to persuasive interviewing tactics, and some even come to believe that they are guilty. From personality factors to threats and torture, join Faye to explore the psychology of false confessions and what can be done to prevent them.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 2 September 2021 Twitch
  5. Bad News: Why the media fall for falsehoods – Michael Marshall

    Everyone knows “you can’t believe everything you read in the papers,” but few people realise it extends far beyond the celebrity pages and gossip columns, and spills into ‘real’ news. Here, the near-invisible influence of PR companies is often pivotal in deciding what news gets told, and how it gets reported. Michael Marshall will show why you really, really can’t believe everything you read in the papers.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 19 August 2021 Twitch
  6. Where alien worlds are born: exoplanets and their formation environments – Dr Cass Hall

    We've discovered thousands of exoplanets around stars that are not our Sun. In fact, own solar system may be far from the norm. These alien worlds are often hot, massive, and perplexing to astrophysicists – just how do these objects form, and what processes make them different to our own, and what could this all mean for finding life elsewhere in the universe?

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 5 August 2021 Twitch
  7. Resisting the Knowledge Dementors: The Truth about “Post-Truth” – Professor Stephan Lewandowsky

    To defend evidence-based reasoning and knowledge in a “post-truth” era, we must understand the strategies by which the post-truth world is driven forward. Did the post-truth era arise spontaneously, or is the result of a highly effective political movement? This talk will focus on three strategies and present evidence for their existence and impact, and how it might be countered.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 8 July 2021 Twitch
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