Event Listing

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  1. The social and cultural factors influencing attitudes to abortion – Dr Lora Adair and Dr Nicole Lozano

    Scientific approaches to understanding reproductive choice typically position decision-makers as rational. What is missing is a description of the internal, psychological process when someone is making a choice about their reproduction, their family constellation, and their future. Are these choices rational? Do people really view children as a calculus of financial gains and losses? We explore these questions by emphasising the role that our social world plays in shaping our reproductive decisions and attitudes.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 9 March 2023 Twitch
  2. Evolutionary Perspectives On Religion — Dr Kat Ford

    From an evolutionary perspective, religion presents something of a challenge. It is ubiquitous, but can be costly, while serving no obvious function. Is it just a collection of highly successful memes? Is it an inevitable but largely benign by product of minds highly evolved for social living? Or are there some real evolutionary benefits to religious cognition?

    7:30PM Thursday 23 February 2023 Ape and Apple
  3. Mental Health Pseudoscience on Social Media – Carrie Poppy

    Trauma, gaslighting, narcs, multiple personalities, and the rest of the human mind. Where better to learn about these things than TikTok, Instagram and Twitter? Carrie Poppy (Oh No, Ross and Carrie) takes you on a tour of some of the most popular social media pseudoscience, how to spot it, and what you can say when you see it.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 23 February 2023 Twitch
  4. Why Sharks Matter: the Science and Policy of Saving Threatened Sharks – Dr David Shiffman

    Sharks are some of the most fascinating, most ecologically important, most threatened, and most misunderstood animals on Earth. More often feared than revered, their role as predators of the deep have earned them a reputation as a major threat to humans. But the truth is that sharks are not a danger to us — they’re in danger from us.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 8 December 2022 Twitch
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