Ladies who do Skepticism (& Coffee): May
The Last LWDS (&C) was a small but successful meet! We talked about skeptical issues in general, plus those affecting women specifically such as the pseudoscience in advertising skincare products, and the rubbish pedalled by women's mags.
We're trying to create a network of women in the north-west who have a similar outlook on life, and are not afraid to be 'out' as skeptics! Come along to this meet- which will be held in Liverpool at Cafe Eros this time as the last was in Manchester, and this is a joint venture with the Merseyside Skeptics Society.
Why not come early and take a look around the shops, museums, and wonderful architecture available in Liverpool!
Cafe Eros is part of the National Conservation Centre http://www.liverpoolm...
Anyone wishing to travel in by train with me- let me know and we can meet up at Manchester Piccadilly!